Monday, December 23, 2013

Modern Systems for Pig Farrowing Management

In modern pig farrowing management, housing equipment plays a very important role in economic success. Future oriented planning and technically sophisticated systems allow Amisy to supply every farmer with the optimum equipment to meet their requirements.

Whether it is a new house or refurbishment of existing houses, our specialists will cooperate with you to develop the optimum plan for economical pig farrowing housing equipment management.

Service center with sow crate stands

The service center is the starting point for the production of healthy and vital piglets. Optimum positioning of sow crate stands will ensure good results, since the right atmosphere promotes a distinct, rapid and uniform sow heat. Amisy offers optimum solutions to match your specific farm conditions.

Pregnant sows in sow crate stands can easily be surveyed and controlled individually. Aggression during feeding cannot occur. Artificial insemination is easily carried out. Even under group management, some separate sow crate stands should be available for housing sows which return to heat, animals with leg problems or vicious sows.

Pig farrowing crate is also called pig farrowing house or pig farrowing fence. A pig farrowing crate includes sow locating frame, piglet fence, piglet incubator, manure dropping floor, trough for sow and supplementary feeding trough for piglet, etc. The locating frame is used for control the free range of sow’s movement. There’re bars between each locating frame, in order to avoid being run over of the piglet.

Farrowing house is a necessities of modern pig farming. It is a determining factor of whether a pig farm is successful or not. The key elements of design a farrowing house are breed of the sow and the level of the environment in the whole workshop. The breed decide the bodily form of the sow, and the level of the environment decide the space design for the Piglet Nursery Crate. We broke the traditional design philosophy, and design the most suitable farrowing house according to customer’s requirement. The key factor of achieve production index is also suitable equipment. or

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