Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Main Features of Pig Farming in Canada

Canada ranks sixth in the world in pig production with a population of about 15 million pigs, the other countries being China(466), EU(153), USA(60), Brazil(32 and Russia(17). Most Canadian pig farms are located in the Prairies that produce grains and grain by-products for feed use. And now Canadian pig farming is marching advance to modernization, scale and intensification development with high production level.

The main features of pig farming in Canada:

1. Carrying out performance measurement and genetic evaluation:
Since 1937, Canada pig industry has access to a uniform national testing system, the National Record of Performance Swine Testing Program. It provides producers with a basis for accessing their breeding stock using techniques such as ultrasonic recording of fat measurement in live animals. The program is now administrated by the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement, with member organizations throughout the country.

2. Employing modern pig production technology:
Canada pig farming automation has been improved with the development of modern pig farming technology. Pig feeding, watering, feces cleaning, temp, humidity and pig house ventilating are all computer-controlled; to prevent disease transmission to keep animals’ health, SEW (segregated early weaning) is widely adopted, which is a kind of sow---nursery pig---barren sow three-level breeding pattern, improving the pig production quality, reinforce epidemic prevention and reducing medical treatment cost. Many pig farms have a cooperation, forming a pig production association including producing, processing and marketing, to enhance market competitiveness.

3. Attaching great importance to disease prevention-control and animal products quality-safety:
Canada government has established rigorous pig farming sanitation and quarantine standards to ensure consumers’ food safety, widely adopting PSS(porcine stress syndrome) and PSE(pale soft exudative pork) DNA test for the boar. In Canada, pig farmers must have the breeding license and main disease control measures are:
---Popularizing the artificial insemination around the country;
---Implementing segregated early weaning for piglets;
---Three-level breeding pattern, the sow, piglet and commodity pig are raised in separated pig farms (3 km away from each);
---Regular sampling monitoring by veterinarian.
4. Putting high value on ecological environment protection:
Canada genetic engineering researchers has developed “enviro-pig” through genetic recombination method, and enviro-pigs have self-sufficient phosphorus they need. This technology lessens phosphorus content in pig feed and 60% phosphorus content in pig waste, so lessens feed cost and protects the environment. There are two main ways for pig waste disposing at present:
---Compost disposing, which is a kind of bio-treatment method. During the procedure of waste fermentation, a large number of microorganisms convert the waste into moist stable products of biotic components conforming to the hygiene standards;
---Sewage recycling, the fecal water is transported into the waste water treatment pond and after the anaerobic and aerobic fermentation, it can be used for crops fertilizer and irrigation, then there will be a positive cycle between pig farming and crop farming.


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pig Farming in France Has The Top-notch Indoor Facilities

France is currently the largest beneficiary of farming related subsidies from the EU, and is fiercely protective of them. Pig farmers in France are currently being invited to register requests for subsidies for up to 17,000 Euros to convert their pig accommodation from stalls to “loose housing”, as long as they fulfill the requirement of having a minimum 20 sows or 60 pigs, and apply before the 21st November 2012.Farmers and the farming profession are a respected and revered part of French culture, and a high degree of legal and financial protection for farmers is built in by the government. The move is designed to bring French pig farmers in line with new European and national standards.

Pig farming in France has been a hug improved, which after 50 years’ development,from decentralized breeding to scale farming. It has formed a French model of pig production.Today’s pig barns and buildings in France have been shaped by breakthroughs in technical and technological development. And today’s pig farming in France has the top-notch indoor facilities.

  • Pig feeder and troughs: materials with increasing resistance to acid corrosion have been chosen to make feeders and troughs, and the feeder and trough can also be equipped with efficient stainless-steel controller system that will radically eliminate feed cost.

  • Pig watering and water purification: automatic watering system and water purification system are adopted to ensure zero water waste and high water quality for pig health and ultimately for production performances.

  • Pig gestation crates: using a split-level system, the gestation crates help improving the weaned pigs survival rates, and decreasing the piglets death losses caused by crushing.

  • Pig farming heating and cooling system: the trend today is that heating is even being incorporated into the grower phase via heat recovery systems, and the sow stalls are increasingly being fitted with either regular or spray cooling systems, which helps a lot in higher pig health standards.